
Club Rules

1 The Club is called “Thurrock Lawn Tennis Club”.
2 The Club’s purpose is to play tennis by the LTA rules and to hold social functions for the benefit of the club and its members.
3 The officers shall consist of Chairman,Captain, Treasurer and Secretary.
4 The Club shall be managed by a General Committee consisting of the officers and other members all elected at the AGM.
5 Two members or an accountant not serving on the committee shall examine the accounts up to the end of the financial year.
6 The AGM shall be held in March with at least 2 weeks prior notice given.
7 The financial year ends on December 31st and the financial statement shall be prepared by the Treasurer and is available to members upon request.
8 A Special General Meeting will be called by the Secretary on a requisition signed by at least one third of the members or at the request of the Committee.
9 All applications for membership to be made to and approved by a Committee member.
10 All members over the age of 16 years are entitled to vote on all matters at the AGM.
11 Grades of Membership:-
Honorary – Elected at the AGM for services to the club.
Coach –
Adult – Any member over 18 years old
Student – (proof required)
Junior – 5 - 18 years old
Munchkin – 5 years old and under
Adult members can play at any time except Saturday morning where junior coaching will be held from 9-1pm.
Student and Juniors – Can play at all time except Sunday mornings unless invited to join by our coaches. Please also note that Junior coaching will take place on Saturday morning between 9-1pm.
Under 16's must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
12 Members may introduce a visitor for general play. Name should be entered on list before play and the fee paid.
13 Subscription fees, payment dates, late payment fines and visitors fees to be fixed at the AGM. Fees must be paid by April 30th when the combination lock number will change. Refunds of subscription fees to be made at the Committee's discretion,
14 Order of play to be in rotation as directed by the Committee. No singles play allowed whilst members are sitting off.
15 Complaints or any other matters must be made in writing to the Secretary or Chairman so they can be brought before the Committee.
16 The Committee have the right to terminate membership when actions are against the Club’s best interests. An appeal is allowed for anyone so affected.
17 Any surplus shall be used for the benefit of the Club and its members. Minor property shall not be disposed of without the Committee’s consent. Consent at the AGM or Special General Meeting is required for the disposal of major club property.
18 A sufficient balance to be kept to meet current liabilities and to allow for improvement.
19 Should the Club be wound up the assets, after outstanding accounts have been met, shall be paid to Essex Lawn Tennis Association.
20 Alterations to the rules can only be made at the AGM or a Special General Meeting with a two thirds majority. Any member wishing such a move shall give notice in writing to the Secretary at least 21 days before the meeting is held.
21 All club property must be returned to the Committee within 14 days of any such request.
22 Use of club email and website publications will be for the purpose of communicating club activities and events only.
23 A copy of these rules to be given to each member.